It was such an amazing weekend; I didn’t want it to end.
I rode with my friends both Saturday and Sunday for hours at a time on the trails. Jaliska popped all the jumps in the woods, effortlessly. It was a great farewell, for the next few months anyway.
Jaliska is ready for Aiken. With the added training and my daily rides, she is in great shape for full time professional training.
It was warm enough on Saturday for me to wash all of her outer blankets. I did this while they were on her, outside of the stable, as she munched on a bucket of grain. I had previously washed her under-blankets and saddle pads in the washer at home over the past few days.
Last night, I filled a months supply of my homemade supplement formula (Cosequin, Gleam & Gain, ProBios and Kosher salt) in daily containers. I packed what was left of the larger containers for refills.
This morning I thoroughly cleaned all of J’s tack. I tucked my helmet, spare boots, chaps, and other essentials, in the container with her saddle and bridle, and then placed all of her blankets, supplements and grooming gear in a large tack trunk. I taped Adrienne’s contact information along with the farm address and phone numbers on both, and then slid her health certificate and Coggins in an envelope in the trunk.
She was ready to go.
Mark pulled his eighteen wheeler up along the side of the road at around 3:30 PM.
With just a light blanket on and the halter she wore from Ireland (don’t pack your leather one, I was instructed, as she will be in turnout all day), Jaliska walked into her home for the next 20 hours, without hesitation.
She was soon busily tearing away at a bag of hay, with a prime view of the ponies and horses making the trip south with her.
She was the last one loaded up and will be the first one off. This makes me happy.
I normally would have been heartbroken to see her go but since I will be joining her just next week, I am beyond excited. I can’t wait to see how this new chapter unfolds in my continued Quest!