Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.

At the “Meet and Greet” during the Fidelity Jumper Classic, Hampden Falls, NH this past week children posed questions to their idols in the sport including Anne Kursinski, Candice King, Christine McCrea, Chris Kappler, Peter Leone and international course designer Olaf Petersen, Jr. The event was hosted by local celebrity amateur rider and award winning author, Jeff Papows. It was a really fun time, and Jeff selected eager kids who had questions for the celebrity panelists.

The ‘Meet and Greet’ panel at the Fidelity.

One young equestrian directed the following question to 1996 Olympic Silver Medalist, Peter Leone: “What horse breed is the best at clearing water fences?”  “Why the Irish Sport horse,” Peter replied matter-of-factly.

I, of course, wholeheartedly agreed with his observation as my horse, KEC Jaliska, happens to be an Irish Sport horse. She was bred and raised in Ireland until the age of six, when she was shipped to the US and I bought her!

Cian O’Connor

Now another exciting development, as I am sure you are aware, is that Ireland’s own Cian O’Connor won the bronze medal for individual show jumping during the Olympics last week. Well, I bet you didn’t know that another horse Cian rides is KEC Alligator Alley, Jaliska’s half-brother (they share the same Sire Aldatus Z).

KEC Alligator Alley. Jaliska’s half brother.




So while many riders in the States are bumming that the US didn’t win a 2012 medal in show jumping, in the small town of Millis, MA Jaliska is whinnying in her paddock that her brother’s rider won big. And, I for one am secretly delighted too.


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