Learning from the Master – An Inteview with Peter Leone

After becoming a new columnist for Phelpssports.com I thought about who I would like my first professional rider interview to be with. It took about five seconds to decide upon Peter Leone.  I had purchased his DVD, “Ride the Body,” this past winter at the urging of a friend. While he was clearly knowledgeable and successful in the sport, what I found even more compelling was how incredibly down to earth he seemed to be. So I reached out to Peter and asked him if he would consider being interviewed by me, but with a catch. I asked that he give me a lesson on my horse Jaliska as part of the deal.  He graciously agreed and further suggested that I spend a few days shadowing him so I could learn firsthand what goes on behind the scenes at a real showjumping training facility. I jumped at the chance (no pun intended), and we locked down a date.

View of the sand ring at Lionshare Farm

Although I must admit that Peter’s talents are somewhat wasted on me, being such a novice (don’t get me wrong – I learned a tremendous amount while I was there) for anyone wanting to up their game to the top level of the sport you should, without a doubt, make the trip to Lionshare Farm in Greenwich, Connecticut. The facilities alone are worth the trek (picture a gorgeous, grass Grand Prix ring overlooking the farms rolling hills of turnout), let alone to train with Peter himself and his awesome staff, is an experience not to miss. At the end of a very busy and exciting two days of training, watching and learning, I sat down with Peter to ask him a few questions. Now, I’m happy to share a transcript of our conversation with you.

Thank you so much for having me visit Lionshare Farm to experience your wonderful life here.

Welcome to my world. In small doses, it’s fantastic.

So tell me about your inspiration in getting involved in this sport. In reading your book (Peter Leones Show Jumping ClinicSuccess Strategies for Equestrian Athletes) it seems that your mother was the equestrian in the family. Is she the one who got you into riding?

My mom always loved horses. She started me and my brothers riding at a very young age. I was around 5. She put us on ponies, and although I didn’t remember it, looking at some old pictures and videos, my mom actually used to teach us.

I read that your dad told you that you could achieve anything that you set your mind to.

When I was thirteen, my older brother was fifteen or sixteen (Armand) and younger brother (Mark) twelve, my dad and mom sat us down and said “look we are spending a lot of time and resources on these ponies and we are at the point where either we need to tailor it down and just have fun with it or we need to go full speed ahead and do it 150%. Now if you want to go for it, we should interview with George Morris, if not, we need to trim things back.” It wasn’t a very long meeting. Armand, Mark and I said, “We want to go for it!”

The dashing and talented Team Leone, Mark, Peter and Armond.

So your father connected you with George Morris. Was he as famous then, or more up and coming?George was the top junior equitation trainer in the country at the time. There were a few that tried to rival him, and came close, but he was the best.

I heard he is one tough cookie.

He can be. What George contributed to me and my brothers was a sense of discipline, detail, commitment and persistence. Those formative building blocks of being a complete rider, George gave to my brothers and me.

And obviously that shows in your tremendous capabilities.

You were so talented, handsome and successful (and your brothers the same). What was it like being Peter Leone, “Team Leone,” back then?

(Laughing) Life was good.

Were you a heartbreaker Peter?

It was not an accident that I was in a sport dominated by…

Gorgeous girls in tall boots?!

Young ladies.

That was actually a pretty strategic move on your part. You would think more boys would enter this sport because there are so many talented and athletic girls and not that many boys. Were you and your brothers onto something?

Show jumping has been very, very good to me!  Just kidding…it was a lot of fun.

Peter watches his team train at his grass Grand Prix ring.

As you know, McLain Ward suffered a serious injury to his knee just prior to the Olympic trials this year. I’m sure this must have brought you back to when you were competing for a spot at the ‘96 games and you crushed your collarbone. Tell me, what is it with the top athletes in this sport to persevere and overcome that level of injury and pain to ultimately succeed and, in your case, win an Olympic medal?

Whatever the sport, a commitment to excellence and to winning is a core building block of a champion. I feel uncomfortable saying it, but I love to compete. I love to win. I love the pressure of having the game on the line, having done my homework and then going out there and engineering the performance that brings the win, or the medal. That’s what makes me tick.As far as injury goes, there’s no question that in any major contact sport, and the misconception may be that riding is not a contact sport, there is risk. It would be difficult for me to name a top, seasoned, international rider that hasn’t had a significant injury and overcome it. Maybe Chris Cappler, is the only rider who comes to mind who hasn’t had one.

OK, now you’re making me nervous. What can one do to be on the defensive against injury in this sport?

I am in the business, as a rider and a coach, of minimizing risk.  When I teach a student, I introduce riding and jumping in such a way as to minimize the possibility of them getting hurt, or the horse stopping or being confused, which could result in an accident. There are many things we can do as riders to reduce risk, but mostly it is using common sense.

I think a lot has to do with taking really good care of your horse too, which you obviously do here, this place (Lionshare Farm) is like a spa for horses.

It’s like your car. If not properly taken care of it’s an accident waiting to happen. The prudent commuter makes sure that their vehicle is operating correctly. The same goes with your horse, although I am not likening the horse to a machine, but you want to make sure your horse is healthy, that they’re sound and fit so that when you ask them to answer an athletic question, like jumping a 1.4 meter fence, they can answer it safely. 

I really enjoyed your book, especially being such a novice to showjumping, although anyone involved in this sport for any length of time can take away so much from your lifetime of experience detailed in it. How long was this work in progress for you?

I don’t know what it’s like to have a baby, but I guess it was a little bit like that. It took a while; it was two and a half years of writing and then printing took six months.

How did your book come to be?

My coauthor, Dr. Kimberly Jaussi, is a phenomenal talent. She understands horses and people and teaching. She came to my clinic and said after, “Peter this is really great stuff. Have you ever thought of writing a book?” I said, “yeah I would love to but I have never had the right person to do it with,” and she said, “I’ll do it with you, I’m the right person.” So I said, “let’s do it!” And I’m really proud of what we were able to do together.

Well you should be. I really loved it and it for sure it is helping me on my Quest for the Prix.

Peter, with Jaliska and me, after our lesson.

I’ve noticed that you have a propensity lately for Irish Sport Horses. My horse, Jaliska, is an Irish Sport horse. What do you like about them?

The Irish Sport Horse is a wonderful, wonderful horse. They tend to mature later, last longer and have a lot of heart… they’re the best.

For someone starting in the sport of show jumping so late in life, as in my case, and with such with a lofty goal to boot, what’s your advice to me, and to other novices out there?

There are two basic areas of advice that I can give you.

One – Work as much as you can with the best trainers that you can get access to – there is no substitute for top training. If it’s not financially viable, then get their books or take their clinics. Two– Repetition. Ride as much as you can. If you only have one horse, and that’s your situation, then every other day or so, ride them twice a day, for two shorter workouts, and that’s not for 52 weeks a year but for the times when you need more time in the saddle.

Excellent strategies for folks who are, shall we say, on a budget.

Another surprising benefit is watching, really studying top riders, not just what they are doing in the show ring but their morning workouts, their warm-ups prior to the competition…watch as much as you can.  Lastly, be the driving force within yourself to climb that mountain.

That is really great advice. Thank you so much for having me and Jaliska out to Lionshare Farm. Do you think that can we come back some time? 

I look forward to it and seeing you jump a meter twenty next time.


Me at Lionshare Farm, I can’t wait to go back!

Photos by: TNT Photography

About Quest for the Prix
Victoria Waters’ column chronicles her trials and tribulations, the good the bad and the very ugly, in learning how to ride and compete at the top level of show jumping – a Grand Prix competition, as a middle-aged novice to the sport. Follow her Quest for the Prix at www.facebook.com/questfortheprix, www.questfortheprix.com  or contact her at vwaters@questforthprix.com

About the Author
Victoria Waters, CEO of Green Education Foundation (GEF), a non-profit organization, is committed to creating a sustainable future through education. GEF provides free curriculum and resources to K-12 students and teachers worldwide with the goal of challenging them to think holistically and critically about global environmental concerns and solutions

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Nov. Phelps Column – Learning to Ride Relaxed

It has been made clear to me by no less than four of my instructors that I need to learn to ride RELAXED.

Most notably, I have been informed that my arms are “too rigid” affording “no flexion” in my elbow when using my reins. This is so apparently true that in one (particularly fun) lesson I was likened to the Tin Man from The Wizard of Oz, in need of a good oiling!

Add to this my tense back (causing my horse to be the same) and uptight shoulders (practically touch my ears). I am constantly being told to “shake it off” or “loosen up” or, my personal favorite, “take a breath.”

In self-defense, I have to say that I find riding relaxed somewhat of a dichotomy. I mean honestly, how can one be in a tranquil, calm or stress-free state when atop a 1200 lb hot horse barreling towards a series of fences (without the aid of pharmaceuticals)?! To read the whole story, visit www.phelpssports.com

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My First Show — Take Two

While the top equestrians were gathering to compete in London earlier this month, I was busy getting ready to compete, too. It was my first show in over a year…


August 1, 2012: Its 3:00 on Wednesday afternoon. I just need to wrap up a final work project and head home to change into my show gear, collect my daughter Nicole (11), and her friend, Mia (11), and book it to the barn. The warm-up begins at 4:30 and there’s plenty to do to prepare. I am pushing it on time, a pretty typical situation for anyone balancing work, family and hobby, I’ll bet.

Suddenly, the sky turns black. The winds pick up and torrents of rain pelt my office windows.  A part of me is relieved. “I can put off the inevitable for one more week,” I think to myself, “and along with it the stress of being in the show ring again. “ The other part of me is going to the show – no matter what.

The rain was an eerie reminder of my first horseshow (ever) over a year ago. I had just bought my horse, Jaliska, and she was “young and hot” and I was “old and green.” Not a good combination, I have since been told. Our class of 12 one meter fences was taking place at Fieldstone Show Grounds in Halifax, MA.    Read more »

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October Phelpssports.com Column — Boot Camp 2012

I feel that every 18 year old should go through Army basic training. I think its character building and eliminates the feeling of entitlement that so many kids have today (for three months anyway).

I joined the National Guard right out of high school. I completed my basic and then advanced trainings during my summers “off” and then participated in “monthly drills” throughout college. This was in addition to waitressing full time to pay for my tuition and board. With nine brothers and sisters there was to be no “free ride to college,” for me. 

Check out my column at www.phelpssports.com to read the whole story…

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Business as Usual

My personal motivator,
Grant Cardone

Anyone who reads my Quest Facebook page knows that I love Grant Cardone. For those of you who are unfamiliar with him, Grant is a very successful businessman and sales consultant. He is the CEO of several self-created multi-million dollar companies, a NY Times bestselling author, host of his own radio show, and now, TV series.

Grant published the book, “The 10X Rule,” which I happened to pick up at an airport bookstore while traveling on a business trip. I love his BIG thinking in this book and given my lofty goal of wanting to compete in a Grand Prix, we are as they say, “birds of a feather.”

Here is an excerpt from “The 10X Rule:”

“…following are the basic mistakes that people make when setting out to achieve goals: Read more »

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Next Stop – Winsor Farm

This month my Quest brings me and Jaliska to the quaint little town of North Scituate, Rhode Island. Home to Grand Prix rider and trainer Bill Lowry.

It was suggested that I work with Bill by my first trainer, Cormac Kennedy, ealier this spring and my second trainer, Adrienne Iorio, wholeheartedly agreed. Given that both Jaliska and I wish to compete in a Grand Prix one day, it only makes sense to work with someone who has already done so, many times over, I might add, and quite successfully too.

So I borrow my friend’s bright orange pickup truck and trailer and load up Jaliska for the hour trip to Bill’s place – Winsor Farm. I say goodbye to my friends at Apple Knoll Farm, adding, “I will be back one day.”  This is the second barn I have had to leave in my Quest and, alas, it never seems to get any easier. 

My friends, the Crawford’s, loan me their truck and trailer to cart Jaliska to Winsor Farm in Rhode Island.

When Jaliska and I arrive at Bill’s, I meet his wife, Abby, who is also an instructor, along with trainer, Dinette, and groom, Alonso. All immediately make Jaliska and I feel right at home.  The farm itself is quite lovely, with its lush grassy hills and apple trees. Jaliska and I settle in.

Suddenly, I am overcome with excitment in anticipation of this next chapter in my journey for the Prix. Will Bill finally get me to keep my heels down? Can Abby help me to ride relaxed? Will Jaliska canter without switching her leads? Stay tuned…

Bill wins the $50,000 HITS Grand Prix aboard Rio Corde.

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Learning from the Master – An Interview with Peter Leone

After becoming a new columnist for Phelpssports.com I thought about who I would like my first professional rider interview to be with. It took about five seconds to decide upon Peter Leone.  I had purchased his DVD, “Ride the Body,” this past winter at the urging of a friend. While he was clearly knowledgeable and successful in the sport, what I found even more compelling was how incredibly down to earth he seemed to be. So I reached out to Peter and asked him if he would consider being interviewed by me, but with a catch. I asked that he give me a lesson on my horse Jaliska as part of the deal.  He graciously agreed and further suggested that I spend a few days shadowing him so I could learn firsthand what goes on behind the scenes at a real showjumping training facility. I jumped at the chance (no pun intended), and we locked down a date. Read the whole story at www.PhelpsSports.com

View of the sand ring and stables at Lionshare Farm, Greenwich, CT. Photo by TNT Photography.

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