Quality Time with J and Nicole in Aiken

The Carriage House B&B was our home for five days in Aiken, SC.


Nic and I arrive at the Carriage House Bed & Breakfast, and to our mutual delight, it is just charming. We instantly love it and Dottie, the innkeeper, makes us feel right at home.

After unpacking and changing into what would be our attire for the next five days, i.e. breeches, boots and chaps, we head over to Adrienne’s farm. I cannot wait any longer to be reunited with my horse.

I knew Adrienne would still be at an Event (which we found out later that she won) but I wanted to go early to see J and hang out with her.

Horse and rider, together again.

When I meet up with Jaliska, she cannot keep her nose off me, it is hilarious. She is so happy to see me, and I feel the same way.

The stable and property here are just beautiful, and I am thrilled with the field where J spends time (which she shares with Adrienne’s 25 year old mare). She looks so relaxed and content. I can tell she has filled out with some new muscle.

After finding all my tack, Nic and I proceed to lay down in the field with our heads resting on our jackets to soak up some of the warm Aiken sunshine. I haven’t done this since I was 14. Ah, yes.

Adrienne arrives and we quickly attempt to brush off all the dried grass covering our back sides. We tack up and hop on our horses. Jaliska for me and Chex, a quarter horse, for Nicole. We have a mother-daughter group lesson, something we haven’t done for over a year.

I love it. It’s so nice to be on my horse again, riding alongside my daughter, in the warm southern air.

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A Warm, Southern Welcome to Aiken

My daughter, Nicole, and I are well on our way to a fantastic weekend in Aiken, SC to visit my horse and do some serious riding. Our plane lands at the Augusta, Georgia airport right around noon. When making our way to the jet way from the airplane, we are instantly hit with bright southern sunshine and 70 degree temperatures. A stark contrast from Massachusetts, I must say, for when leaving the house this morning my car temperature gauge registered a chilly 18 degrees. It’s amazing what a 50 + degree shift in temperature can do to ones attitude. I, for one, had permanent smile on my face nearly the entire stay.

Nicole and I make our way to the rental car place, which I notice is located conveniently across from the baggage claim. A major multi-tasker, I immediately appreciate the fact that while I am completing the paperwork for my car, I can be watching out for my bag.

Nic against the Rav 4

At Ace Rentals, I am greeted by southern hospitality at its finest. I ask the pleasant lady at the counter to “please make sure that I have a GPS for my trip.”

I am majorly geographically challenged so when Rhonda, my former neighbor and now local resident, said it’s a must have in Aiken, that was the only encouragement I needed. Not only did the rental car lady give me a GPS, at half price I might add, but she threw in a free car upgrade to boot!

I initial all the spots on the form and once the paperwork is complete, I glance towards baggage claim, low and behold, my luggage is making its way down the conveyor belt.
This trip is off to a fine start, if I say so myself.

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Jaliska is Off to Aiken, SC!

Containers are all packed.
Jaliska senses that something is up

It was such an amazing weekend; I didn’t want it to end.

I rode with my friends both Saturday and Sunday for hours at a time on the trails. Jaliska popped all the jumps in the woods, effortlessly. It was a great farewell, for the next few months anyway.

Jaliska is ready for Aiken. With the added training and my daily rides, she is in great shape for full time professional training.

It was warm enough on Saturday for me to wash all of her outer blankets. I did this while they were on her, outside of the stable, as she munched on a bucket of grain. I had previously washed her under-blankets and saddle pads in the washer at home over the past few days.

Last night, I filled a months supply of my homemade supplement formula (Cosequin, Gleam & Gain, ProBios and Kosher salt) in daily containers. I packed what was left of the larger containers for refills.

This morning I thoroughly cleaned all of J’s tack. I tucked my helmet, spare boots, chaps, and other essentials, in the container with her saddle and bridle, and then placed all of her blankets, supplements and grooming gear in a large tack trunk. I taped Adrienne’s contact information along with the farm address and phone numbers on both, and then slid her health certificate and Coggins in an envelope in the trunk.

She was ready to go.

Jaliska will ride in style to Aiken

Mark pulled his eighteen wheeler up along the side of the road at around 3:30 PM.

With just a light blanket on and the halter she wore from Ireland (don’t pack your leather one, I was instructed, as she will be in turnout all day), Jaliska walked into her home for the next 20 hours, without hesitation.

She was soon busily tearing away at a bag of hay, with a prime view of the ponies and horses making the trip south with her.

Jaliska makes herself right at home

She was the last one loaded up and will be the first one off. This makes me happy.

Jaliskas’ travel buddies

I normally would have been heartbroken to see her go but since I will be joining her just next week, I am beyond excited. I can’t wait to see how this new chapter unfolds in my continued Quest!

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Trip Delay Makes Room for More Rides

When Mark, the horse shipper, called me today to say, “Jaliska’s trip needs to be delayed for a few days,” I was secretly thrilled. The weather has been amazing with the temperature registering nearly 60 degrees today and the seven day forecast showing more of the same. This meant spring riding in January and I want my horse!

There are several hundred acres abutting my stable, providing ample trail riding opportunities

With J’s travel postponed it will give me the opportunity to hack her to the field at least one, if not two, more times before she leaves. Also, since the kids are with their dad this weekend, I can now spend hours at the barn with Jaliska and my riding friends. This is of particular significance to me since I know that I won’t be seeing much of them during the next few months with Jaliska gone. I’ll miss them.

So during my morning ride with my new friend, John, I say, “John, would you like to go on a trail ride this weekend since the weather is going to be so nice?” Yes,” he said, “that sounds great.” “Excellent, I will work on getting a group ride together,” I reply.

I focus back to the job at hand. John had set up trot poles for his horse. I ask him if I can join in on the fun. “Of course,” he says. I notice that John rides quite a bit longer than I usually do. Feeling on top of the world with Jaliska riding so beautifully and it being so nice out, I think, Gosh, I should ride longer, too. So I do.

John set up trot poles, like these, to work our horses

John and I agree to ride again the next morning when we’ll firm up plans for a group trail ride on Saturday.

So, to say the least, I’m not at all upset about this trip delay. What’s meant to be, will be.

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Wellington is OUT — Aiken is IN

After several weeks spent trying to “cure” Jaliska’s sore back, which had become problematic again shortly after her last treatment, it became apparent that she needs someone working her full-time to strengthen it so that she stops switching her leads while in canter.  We feel that she is doing so because her back is weak, causing her pain in holding her canter.  Therefore, we conclude the best treatment is professional rides and training. So to that end, I decide to send her for winter training with local trainer Adrienne Iorio  at her farm in Aiken, South Carolina.

Knowing that this is for the best, I still have mixed feelings.

Aiken, SC is primarily known for Polo and Eventing competitions during the winter months

On the one hand, I am so excited for her that I can barely stand it, as she’ll be in a warm climate with turnout all winter. On the other, I will miss her dearly. This must be what it feels like when sending a child off to boarding school or college. I decide that I don’t like this feeling at all. However, I’m happy that I will join her, hopefully, at least once a month to train with her while she is there.

Adrienne, my second-in-command local trainer, and primary in Aiken, sent me this note to prepare for the trip:

The plan is to pull out of Kirkwood, PA very early on the 20th (6 horses, 4 boys, 2 dogs, and 1 cat…oh, as well as me, Erin, Tanya, and Noll).

We will be ready for additional horses to arrive on the 22nd of January and beyond. It’s going to be a great winter. We have a bunch of really nice people and horses. I need all of you to be sure I have the dates that you plan to arrive so we are ready for you.

To do list:

The temperature has been in the 60’s during the day but can get quite cold at night. Be sure to bring gear for all conditions for you and your beast.

You will need the following:

  • Up to date Coggins
  • Spring shots and teeth now before you travel (you must have shot records and a Coggins with your horse as it travels)
  • If you have winter shoes you may want to change them over before your travel. Snow shoes are no fun to balance on for a long trip.
  • Clip before you ship. Your horse may get too hot in the truck heading south.

For your horse:

  • Special feed and supplements
  • 2 buckets
  • Small feed bucket
  • Turnout halter (I don’t want to have to use the nice one)

A trunk to hold:

  • Blankets
  • Bridle
  • Pads
  • Boots
  • Brushes and bug spray, and anything special your horse may need.
  • Saddle

I may use much of my stuff but you will want your own when you are down to ride.

Show stuff. Studs. Cross country vest… and don’t forget to bring your helmet.

I have started sending entries in for shows. I will get you a schedule out very soon.

Please email me with any questions you may have.

Thinking warm thoughts.


It is a real luxury to have my horse shipped south to be trained for the winter, and Jaliska is worth every cent.

My good friend Rhonda moved to Aiken a few years ago. She was my neighbor and previous owner of the farm where I board Jaliska and train.

I call her to tell her the good news, “Jaliska and I will be coming to Aiken!” She is so excited and insists that I stay with her. She adds that “we must ride the hunt while you are here.” I adamantly agree. “I would love to,” I say.

Jaliska poses with Dr. Dana.

Dr. Dana checks Jaliska out for her Health Certificate and Coggins. Her shoes and teeth were previously taken care of.

I pick up all the supplies on Adrienne’s list. I book Jaliska to be transported to Aiken with the trucking company Adrienne recommended.

She leaves this Friday. We are good to go.

Quote for the Day:
Follow your dreams, they know the way.” -Anonymous

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An Evening Ride to Reinvigorate My Quest

Time to ride

It is six o’clock in the evening and I am psyched; I’m off to ride my horse, Jaliska.

I normally don’t ride in the evening, but since getting divorced it has been difficult to ride in the morning. I have to be home to see my son on the bus at 6:45 AM. I would get up earlier and be at the barn at 5:00 AM and home by the bus, but Jaliska and the other horses are still asleep and I just don’t have the heart to wake them. Jaliska, like my son, is still growing and needs a full nights rest.

I get to the barn and, of course, Jaliska is thrilled to see me. I swear, I have my own fan club in J. I am just as happy to see her; she has a fan club in me. I spend time patting her and blowing in her nose (which she finds soothing for some reason).

The temperature is not too bad. Yesterday was brutal with below zero wind chills. Today, it was still chilly but this evening it feels balmy at 20 degrees. I groom Jaliska and put on her half sheet to keep her somewhat warm during our ride.

We head for the indoor. I walk her for fifteen minutes in each direction, letting her reins hang loose so she can stretch out her neck. Walking for a half hour prior to and after riding is really good for horses. I learned about this from reading Elmar’s book, Training the Modern Jumper.

When I start to trot her, I immediately feel something new. Jaliska is so smooth. What a difference professional training can make. She is a dream to ride for the next forty minutes. I am so happy after that I spend the next thirty minutes cleaning all of our tack. Jaliska is happy too as she gets multiple hugs and praises, an apple, and a horsey treat that I found in a container in the tack room.

I immediately make a plan to ride first thing in the morning since the kids will be at their father’s house. I head home reinvigorated by my evening ride, ready to take on tomorrow with a smile.

Tip of the day:

If at all possible, set your horse up with training rides if you are lucky enough to have a good trainer nearby. It is well worth the investment.

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Where has the time gone?

The New Year is off with a bang and with two kids, two dogs, a horse, a business to run and house to manage, my blog has fallen to the wayside.

Let me catch you up.

Since Christmas a Grand Prix rider trialed Jaliska for a potential stint in Florida. He concluded that she was too green for competition,  however, he could bring her down for training as he really “liked her” and said “she has heart.”

As exciting as this might be, I felt training her at the most expensive horse local in the US, if not the world, was probably not my best option.

So the universe decided. Jaliska is not to go to Wellington. 

I set Jaliska up for weekly training rides.

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