My August Column: My First Show — Take Two

Wrapping up a final work project so I can make it to the show on time.

While the top equestrians were gathering to compete in London earlier this month, I was busy getting ready to compete, too. It was my first show in over a year…

August 1, 2012: Its 3:00 on Wednesday afternoon. I just need to wrap up a final work project and head home to change into my show gear, collect my daughter Nicole (11), and her friend, Mia (11), and book it to the barn. The warm-up begins at 4:30 and there’s plenty to do to prepare. I am pushing it on time, a pretty typical situation for anyone balancing work, family and hobby, I’ll bet.

Suddenly, the sky turns black. The winds pick up and torrents of rain pelt my office windows.  A part of me is relieved. “I can put off the inevitable for one more week,” I think to myself, “and along with it the stress of being in the show ring again. “ The other part of me is going to the show – no matter what.

The rain was an eerie reminder of my first horseshow (ever) over a year ago….

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Go Irish!

At the “Meet and Greet” during the Fidelity Jumper Classic, Hampden Falls, NH this past week children posed questions to their idols in the sport including Anne Kursinski, Candice King, Christine McCrea, Chris Kappler, Peter Leone and international course designer Olaf Petersen, Jr. The event was hosted by local celebrity amateur rider and award winning author, Jeff Papows. It was a really fun time, and Jeff selected eager kids who had questions for the celebrity panelists.

The ‘Meet and Greet’ panel at the Fidelity.

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Guest Blog — Tracy Vandegrift

Granger was a sad case.

My name is Tracy, and I found Victoria’s Facebook page through a mutual “like” on someone else’s horse oriented Facebook page.  I, too, am on a “Quest for the Prix”, and although I have an age disadvantage, I just turned 50, my passion and my horse’s talent are going to get me there.

I got back into riding about 7 years ago, when I purchased an off the track thoroughbred from a horse rescue in Scottsdale, AZ.  He had been off the track less than 24 hours, was still pumped up with steroids, and I thought he was magnificent.  Long story short, after 5 years of falling off him (at LEAST 50 times), and with the constant nagging of my trainer, (who said if someone offers me 50 cents for that horse, TAKE IT), I sold him, with saddle and bridle, for a little bit more than 50 cents, not much more, I might add…

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Show Advice From My Riding Friends

My first competition was a year ago and I fell off! Tomorrow is my first show since. I have been asking everyone at my barn for their advice (as I am so nervous!) and here is a video of what they had to say. Do you have advice for me? If so, comment here. Share this video with anyone you think could use sound show advice, I am sure they will appreciate it as much as I have.

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My First Horse Show… Take Two

This video was of my very first competition – ever. It was taken over a year ago at Fieldstone Show Grounds in Halifax, MA.  I seriously think I was demented to have even considered, let alone actually attempted, a one meter course with 12 fences on my young horse as a novice rider for my first go round. And yes, you guessed it – I fell off! I actually can’t believe I stayed on as long as I did. I mean really, look at this footage! OMG. Now you can understand why I haven’t competed since.

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Learning from the Master

The saying “Man plans and God laughs” comes to mind with respect to my trip to meet and train with show jumping great Peter Leone this week.  I was scheduled to meet Peter at his equestrian estate, Lionshare Farm, on Wednesday and Thursday, but my horse, Jaliska, was injured last Tuesday.  We think that she was kicked during turnout, and while the cut on her leg is not too bad, it is serious enough to have postponed my trip until next month.

Peter Leone’s book “Show Jumping Clinic” arrives!

A while ago, I picked up Peter’s DVD, “Ride the Body,” at the recommendation of a friend and really loved it. I became enamored with Peter’s training style because he was not only knowledgeable and insightful, but patient and incredibly down to earth. Peter, a silver medalist in the 1996 Olympic Games, has won no less than 50 Grand Prix competitions.  As you can imagine, being such a novice, I am excited (and honored) to learn from the master himself. Read more »

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A Brief History of My Quest: From Gypsy to Jaliska

I was born and raised in St. Petersburg, Florida. When I was five Santa brought me a dappled gray Shetland pony named Gypsy.

The author, shown with curly brown hair, pets her new pony, Gypsy, on Christmas Eve

My father put me on her with just a bridle to cling to. Gypsy took off galloping, tearing across the neighbor’s property lines; I was instantly hooked.

When I outgrew Gypsy my father bought me Nehi a strawberry roan aptly named after the popular 1970’s soda. Many of the girls in our neighborhood had horses, too. We kept them in our backyards with open sheds as stalls.

Given the mild weather, that’s all they needed. Our summers, weekends and time after school were spent riding bareback in the woods, along the bay, and through the orange groves.

Life was good.

Sadly, though, it was not meant to last. Due to a series of unforeseen events, I found myself on my own at the young age of 16. Thrown into the rigorous demands of life, I was not to ride again for 30 years. Read more »

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